How do I find the hidden character Gogo?

In the World of Ruin, fly the airship to the northwest island shaped like a triangle, coincedentally named Triangle Isle. Meet an enemy on the island called Zone Eater. DO NOT FIGHT HIM!!! Occasionally he will Engulf one of your fighters. DO NOT ATTACK HIM!!! Once the last of your characters have been eaten, you will travel through the monster's digestive system and end up underground in a cave. You may exit my walking directly north to the point of light. If you feel sufficiently strong, continue to the south. It may be a good idea to have the Moogle Charm equipped. In the next room, there will be some platforms with strange trechcoat-wearing guys running back and forth. First thing, jump up to the platform, and do not allow yourself to be struck. You will certainly need the Sprint Shoes now. Be patient, and cross the chasm. Get the Fake Mustache in the far-right treasure chest. Then, intentionally fall down to the lower level if you have not already and grab the treasure there. Continue through past the trenchcoats to the next room.

You will progress until you find a room with a save point. DO SO!! The next room is quite deadly. A giant ceiling slams down and tries to crush you. It is very difficult to complete this room without the Sprint Shoes. There are holes in the slab that you may take refuge in. Be sure to grab the treasures, you will find a Tack Star and several other goodies. The final room has a series of ledges and switches. To progress you must spring over the empty chests. The room isn't that difficult to figure out. Get the powerful Thunder Shield. The next room will contain The mysterious Gogo. He will be a valuable addition to your party. Once you have him in your party, goes to the Status screen. You may select any skill in the game! He may Rune, Blitz, Slot, Throw, anything! He is a very versitlile character.
